¡Hola! Hello!
I’m Denisse :)

I'm a multidisciplinary, multicultural, bilingual brand developer currently based in Illinois, USA. I assist small and medium-sized businesses, startups, and professional coaches in getting closer to achieving their goals. Feel free to get in touch with me to inquire about my current availability.

If you're here to learn more about my formation, resume-style, please check out my Linked In profile. Click the icon below👇

I create and develop awesome brands that truly represent their essence.

My Approach

Free Mini-Brainstorm Session

During introductory call, I dive deep into my prospect's business goals, past efforts, and current needs. I propose creative strategies tailored to the business goals. Depending on the scope of the work being requested, establishing a partnership may happen at the moment or, require a second meeting to allow time to write the details of the proposal. Proposals are usually available within 24 hrs.

Beyond A La Carte Services

While I do offer services individually, I believe in delivering the most value to my clients. Becoming partners allows us to align our goals more effectively.

My Ethical Stance

I'm open to diverse projects and themes, but I draw the line at using my skills to cause harm or put others in danger. Additionally, I try to be inclusive by following ADA recommendations and welcoming clients with diverse projects and backgrounds.

Creative Beyond Work

Outside of my professional life, I'm an avid painter, experimenting with acrylics, watercolors, and mixed media to express my artistic side.

A Hopeful Vision

My vision for the future is simple yet profound. I aim to continue growing, challenging myself, and helping people in countless ways. I want to be remembered as someone who brought smiles to those I touched through my work and contributions.

To learn more about my process, click here.

In case I haven't bored you enough with things about me, here are some random things I like :)






Puerto Rico







Digital Arts







Italian food



This is me, Denisse Clark

Passionate Creative | Graphic Designer | Brand Enthusiast

From Coding to Creativity

During my teenage years, I stumbled into the world of design and coding by helping my mom's business with flyers and phone sales. What began as a side gig soon transformed into a full-fledged passion. Friends and their siblings sought my help for crafting HTML/CSS layouts for their MySpace profiles. At one point, I had a queue of 17 eager individuals waiting for my creative touch.

A Serendipitous Discovery

My path took a fortuitous turn during my first year of college. While pursuing a degree in "Teaching English to Spanish Speaking Individuals," I discovered my true calling. An acquaintance introduced me to the world of Graphic Design, and it felt like coming home. I had been immersed in this world long before I realized it.

Educational Milestones, Awards, and Recognitions

In 2017, I embarked on a formal educational journey in Graphic Design. Over the years, I achieved several milestones, including a Bachelor's in Arts and Graphic Design, a Graduate Certification in Communications and Advertising, and a Master's in Arts and Digital Graphic Design. I also had the privilege of teaching typography and digital illustration to budding designers.

In 2018 and 2019, I earned recognition from The American Advertising Federation (Northern Illinois chapter) for my work at a local advertising agency, an honor I treasure.

Community Empowerment

In 2021, I embraced the opportunity to give back and empower the female community through a non-profit organization. Over a year, I witnessed heartwarming moments that solidified my commitment.

In 2022, I took the leap and obtained an official role within the organization, expanding my impact across Northern Illinois.

Looking Forward

Now, in 2023, I'm thrilled to be back in action, collaborating with diverse service and retail brands across various industries.

This page is named about, not about me. That’s because I would love to hear your story too!